Ismail Kadare’s literary strategies

Legends, architectures and a parallel universe in the Three-Arched Bridge (1978)


The Albanian writer Ismail Kadare (b. 1936) is sometimes called “a great writer in a small country”; this paper, focusing on his historical novel The Three-Arched Bridge (1978), reveals some strategies inherent to his works, suggests their place in world literature, and asserts how they can be seen as both unique and universal as part of world literature. First, the paper examines how legends have been reconstructed in the novel and compares them to two similar works. Second, the paper analyzes how architecture functions in the novel. Third, a parallel universe or “another Albania” is described so as to show how Kadare’s literary universe is formed.

Słowa kluczowe

Ismail Kadare; minor literature; universality; legend; architecture

Źródło finansowania

Kyouritsu Women's University

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Opublikowane : 2022-12-10

Kobayashi, H. (2022). Ismail Kadare’s literary strategies. Zeszyty Łużyckie, 57, 219-234.

Hisako Kobayashi
Kyoritsu Women's University  Japonia

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