Jan Palach w czeskiej poezji


The article tackles the analysis of lyrical pieces dedicated to Jan Palach. From the extensive material, including inter alia Kazimierz Wierzyński’s poem Na śmierć Jana Palacha w Pradze broadcasted by the radio station of Radio Free Europe, or the piece written by a popular Bulgarian poet, Valery Petrov, entitled Self-immolation, I have selected only those works which were created in Czechoslovakia right after Jan Palach had committed self-immolation. The primary reason for such a selection is that they were composed shortly after Palach’s act and were written by Czech and Slovakian poets emotionally committed to the dramatic political suicide of a young Prague student and experienced the events of January 1969 directly.

As a consequence, the following works remain in my interest: Miroslav Holub’s Praha Jana Palacha and Josef Kainar’s Bolest at’ mi poví, published in a weekly magazine of the Association of Czechoslovakian Writers “Letters” on 23rd January 1969, Jan Skácel’s Hořící keř, as well as the poem by Pavol Horov Malé rekviem za Jana Palacha a iných, both published in “Letters” on 6th and 13th February accordingly, and the poem written on 30th January 1969 by Jan Zábrana entitled První (Noc v Tatrách).

The aspects I am mainly interested in in the works referred to above are the manners of articulating the heroization of Jan Palach and his act. Indeed, these poems constitute a part of heroic discourse, they create heroic narration and present the self-immolated person in a blaze of glory as an indisputable hero

Słowa kluczowe

Jan Palach; samospalenie; bohater; poezja

Biblia Tysiąclecia, Poznań: Pallotinum, 2003.

Blažek, Petr, Eichler, Patrik, Jareš, Jakub, ed. Jan Palach ’69. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Togga, Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2009.

Chrościcki, Juliusz. Pompa funebris. Warszawa: PWN, 1974.

Durkheim, Émil. Samobójstwo. Warszawa: Oficyna naukowa, 2006.

Holub, Miroslava. „Praha Jana Palacha”. Listy, no. 3 (1969): 1.

Horov, Jan. “Malé rekviem za Jána Palacha a iných”. Listy, no. 6 (1969):1.

Kainar, Josef. „Bolest ať mi poví”. Listy, no. 3 (1969): 1.

Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue. Sebevražda hromadným jevem společenským moderní osvěty. Praha: Jan Laichter, 1904.

Sádecký, Josef. Živé pochodně. Zurich: Konfrontation, 1980.

Skácel, Jan. „Hořící keř”. Listy, no. 5 (1969):1.

Šrajer, Jindřich. Suicidum, sebeobětování nebo mučednictví?. Praha – Kroměříž: Triton, 2009.

Zábrana, Jan, První (Noc v Tatrách), in idem, Zeď vspominek (Brno: Atlantis, 1992), 12.

Zídek, Petr. Palach chtěl obsadit rozhlas, http://www.lidovky.cz/palach-chtel-obsadit-rozhlas-dgw-/zpravy-domov.aspx?c=A090109_143339_ln_domov_hrn (acc. 2.09.2016).


Opublikowane : 2017-06-01

Kulmiński, R. (2017). Jan Palach w czeskiej poezji. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, 7(10), 243-256. https://doi.org/10.32798/pflit.45

Robert Kulmiński 
Uniwersytet Warszawski  Polska

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