Na Pierwszym Cmentarzu Miejskim w Atenach


The text was written as a kind of short literary guide to the First Communal Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in Modern Athens. The reader is presented with basic facts about the cemetery’s history as well as given a glimpse of what the cemetery looks like since it is very much unlike Polish necropolises. As the First Cemetery is regarded as the largest outdoor collection of the 19th century Modern Greek sculptures, the article contains descriptions of the most famous tombs. Then the author comments on some of the most quoted epitaphs and then focuses on the work of the most famous poets and writers that rest at the First Cemetery. He focuses on how they approached the topic of passing and death. The guide to this exceptional place is the protagonist of the Christos Chomenidis’ story, i.e., a man who was brought back to life on the First Cemetery on the day of the Second Coming.

Słowa kluczowe

Pierwszy Cmentarz Miejski; Ateny


Opublikowane : 2019-10-16

Kordos, P. (2019). Na Pierwszym Cmentarzu Miejskim w Atenach. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, (2(5), 83-98. Pobrano z

Przemysław Kordos 
Uniwersytet Warszawski  Polska

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