Kulturowe korzenie poezji. O jednym wierszu Eugena Gomringera


Eugen Gomringer’s poetry of the 1950s and ‘60s was strongly rooted in such elements of contemporaneous culture as Swiss concrete painting, the Swiss style of typography, the functional design of the Bauhaus tradition, and the Stuttgart-based modern theories of aesthetics. Some of these practices were the basis on which Gomringer constructed his own poetic means, while others were directly implemented in the layout or cover designs of Gomringer’s poetic books. In this paper the sources of Gomringer’s verse are examined with special reference to the book 33 konstellationen and the mathematical verse construction of one poem, “worte sind schatten,” whose structure proves to be paradoxical, simultaneously complicated yet simple.

Słowa kluczowe

Gomringer; poezja konkretna; malarstwo konkretne; Bill; konstelacja

Bense Max. 1965. "Art and Communication". The Lugano Review 2 : 117-122.

Bense Max. 1998. Ästhetik und Texttheorie. Ausgewählte Schriften in vier Bänden. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.

Bosshard Hans Rudolf. 1999. Concrete Art and Typography. W max bill: typografie − reklame − buchgestaltung: typography − advertsing − book design, red. Niggli Verlag, 56-109. Zurich: Niggli.

Gomringer Eugen. 1960. 33 konstellationen mit 6 konstellationen von max bill. St. Gallen: Tschudy Verlag.

Gomringer Eugen. 1960-1965. konkrete poesie − poesia concreta 1-10.

Gomringer Eugen. 1968. The Book of Hours and Constellations. New York - Villefranche-Sur-Mer - Frankfurt am Main: Something Else Press.

Gomringer Eugen. 1969. worte sind schatten: die konstellationen 1951-1968. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.

Gomringer Eugen. 1972. konkrete poesie: deutschsprachige autoren: anthologie. Stuttgart: Reclam.

Gomringer Eugen. 1995. vom rand nach innen. die konstellationen 1951-1995. Wien: Edition Splitter.

Gomringer Eugen. 1997. theorie der konkreten poesie: texte und manifeste 1954-1997. Wien: Edition Splitter.

Herwig Oliver. 2001. Wortdesign. Eugen Gomringer und die Bildende Kunst. München: Iudicum.

Hochuli Jost. 1993. Book Design in Switzerland. Zurich: Pro Helvetia.

Huizinga Johan. 1967. Homo ludens. Zabawa jako źródło kultury. Warszawa: Czytelnik.

Kopfermann Thomas. 1974. Theoretische Positionen zur konkreten Poesie: Texte und Bibliographie. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Niggli. 1999. max bill: typografie − reklame − buchgestaltung: typography − advertsing − book design. Zurich: Niggli.

Perloff Marjorie. 2010. Unoriginal Genius. Poetry by Other Means in the New Century. Chicago - London: University of Chicago Press.

Opublikowane : 2019-10-01

Kremer, A. (2019). Kulturowe korzenie poezji. O jednym wierszu Eugena Gomringera. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, 3(6) cz.1, 125-139. Pobrano z https://www.journals.polon.uw.edu.pl/index.php/pfl/article/view/233

Aleksandra Kremer 
Uniwersytet Warszawski  Polska

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