Intrepid or Invisible? Female Characters in Catalan Children’s and Young Adult Literature
This article analyses 95 children’s and young adult literature works written originally in Catalan and published between 2002 and 2006. They are representative of all age groups present in this genre. This analysis focuses on the presence or absence of female characters, and on their treatment and reception, both in terms of prominence and the transmission of stereotypes. The results of this review show a dichotomy between the scarcity of female protagonists and their extreme audacity.
Catalan literature; children’s and young adult literature; children’s historical fiction; female protagonists; feminist criticism; intercultural education; literary education
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University of València Spain
Xavier Mínguez López – PhD, works at the Department of Language and Literature Teaching at the University of València (Spain). His research interests include children’s and young adult literature, as well as the comprehension of animation (with a special focus on Japanese animation) and literary education. He is a co-director of the Journal of Literary Education. Contact:

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