Should Children Be Protected from Books?
Paul, M., & Zając, M. (2022). Otwarci / ostrożni / niezdecydowani. Opinie i postawy bibliotekarzy względem kontrowersyjnych książek dla dzieci. Wydawnictwo Naukowe i Edukacyjne SBP.
The review article discusses the book Otwarci / ostrożni / niezdecydowani. Opinie i postawy bibliotekarzy publicznych względem kontrowersyjnych książek dla dzieci [Open-minded / Cautious / Hesitant: Public Librarians’ Opinions and Attitudes Toward Controversial Children’s Books] by Magdalena Paul and Michał Zając (2022). The monograph explores how employees of public libraries for children and young adults in Poland perceive potentially controversial children’s books. It also highlights instances where access to specific controversial books in libraries was limited. The article provides a recapitulation of the research findings, especially focusing on the private experiences of librarians and possible actions related to controversial books.
Received: 31.05.2023
Accepted: 30.12.2023
librarians; libraries; censorship; gatekeeping; children’s literature; Magdalena Paul; Michał Zając; taboo
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National Library of Poland Poland
Justyna Morawska – MA, works at the National Library of Poland, where she serves as a custodian, coordinating the cataloguing of children’s and young adult literature. She reviews publications for these age groups for the monthly magazine Nowe Książki [New Books]. Contact:
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