Changes to the traditional family structure as reflected in Danish language


The aim of the article is to analyze the status of the notion of nuclear family in Danish, as well as examine the extent to which the alternative family forms have been able to break through into the mentality of Danish speakers. The first two parts of the study, based on the most linguistically entrenched expressions, revealed that nuclear family can still be regarded as the ideal case, although alternative family forms are also clearly reflected in language. The second part of the study, dealing with a corpus of 50 contemporary texts, demonstrated that the above mentioned ideal is currently being under revision, and that the proponents of the nuclear family model are rather in a disadvantageous position in the Danish discourse. What stood out in both parts of the study, was the non-discriminating and embracive character of the Danish language with regard to the new family forms.

Słowa kluczowe

traditional family structure; nuclear family; alternative family forms; concept of family in Danish; ethnolinguistics

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Opublikowane : 2022-01-14

Kacprzak, A. (2022). Changes to the traditional family structure as reflected in Danish language. Zeszyty Łużyckie, 56, 13-30.

Aleksander Kacprzak
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu  Polska

Aleksander Kacprzak – doktorant w Katedrze Skandynawistyki UAM. Zainteresowania: filozofia, filozofia języka, związek języka z kulturą, język duński, angielski, rosyjski i amharski. Najważniejsze publikacje: (2018): The in-out spatial relation as conceptualized and verbalized by Danish Directional Adverbs and their equivalents in Polish.  Folia Scandinavica XXV, 41–58; (z Szubert) (2019): Językowe obrazy przyjaźni w języku duńskim. Etnolingwistyka 31, 147–164; (2020): The concept of kælighed (love) as represented in data from Old Danish. Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia 29, 4–18.

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