Disfunkcionalna patrijarhalna obitelj u Šegedinovu egzistencijalističkom romanu Djeca božja


The article analyses Petar Šegedin’s novel Djeca božja using feminist theories which entail references to Sigmund Freud’s theory and present a critique of the patriarchal system, to determine the way in which gender-related questions are displayed in the narrative structure of the existentialist novel examined. Theoretical groundwork for this paper is Kate Millet’s theory according to which patriarchy is based, among other things, on ideological, biological, sociological, and religious categories; these are analyzed using the examples of male-female relationships between the characters in the novel. The objective of this paper is to show the ways in which, in Šegedin’s novel, the issues of sense and purpose of man’s existence in a dehumanized world marked by war are examined via depiction of ambivalent relationships within the family.

Słowa kluczowe

patrijarhat; rodne uloge; moć; egzistencijalizam; Djeca božja

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Opublikowane : 2022-01-31

Šundov, L. (2022). Disfunkcionalna patrijarhalna obitelj u Šegedinovu egzistencijalističkom romanu Djeca božja. Zeszyty Łużyckie, 56, 81-95. https://doi.org/10.32798/zl.832

Lucijana Armanda Šundov  larmanda@ffst.hr
University of Split  Chorwacja

Lucijana Armanda Šundov (born 1981) graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split in 2006 thus acquiring the academic title of a teacher of Croatian language and literature and English language and literature. She enrolled in the Postgraduate doctoral study program at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and defended her thesis in 2014 (“Gothic motifs in Croatian Literature”). She is currently employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. She has published professional and scientific papers in the field of theory and history of Croatian literature and children’s literature. 

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