No haber salido de mi biblioteca”. Notatka z lektury „Sławy” („La fama”) J.L. Borgesa


The essay consists in a contextual reading of the poem La fama [The fame] by Jorge Luis Borges. First of all, the significance of the library in Borges’s imaginary is introduced. In addition, the article presents some remarks on the Polish translations of La fama and analyses the specific linguistic form of the poem. Special stress is placed on the infinitivo compuesto [compound infinitive] form. The author also comments on the mental and physical activities expressed in infinitives and in mere verbs connected with the concept of fame. What follows is an analysis of the metaphorical sense of literary allusions, including their self-referential aspect as a typical feature of Borges’s writing. In this context, the verse “No haber salido de mi biblioteca” transpires to be the focal point of the poem and the key to its interpretation. The article closes with an explanation of the figure of the poem.

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Opublikowane : 2018-06-03

Płaszczewska, O. (2018). No haber salido de mi biblioteca”. Notatka z lektury „Sławy” („La fama”) J.L. Borgesa. Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo, (8(11) cz.2), 67-79.

Olga Płaszczewska 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński  Polska

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