Horror of Violence Against Children Yesterday and Today
Golus, A. (2019). Dzieciństwo w cieniu rózgi. Historia i oblicza przemocy wobec dzieci. Gliwice: Helion.
The review article discusses a monograph by Anna Golus, Dzieciństwo w cieniu rózgi. Historia i oblicza przemocy wobec dzieci [Childhood in the Shadow of a Rod: The History and Faces of Violence against Children] (2019). Its purpose is to outline the history, cultural context of violence towards children and young people, as well as its current state, both in relation to applicable legal regulations in this area and social discussions related to the presented issues. In the final part of the article, those fragments of the book by Golus are analysed in which the author reveals her affective attitude towards the topic of violence against children. Despite the legal ban, some forms of seemingly innocent punishments, such as a smack or time-out, are sometimes propagated in Poland in the 21st century.
Anna Golus; black pedagogy; child; violence against children; children and childhood studies
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Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province Poland
Ewelina Rąbkowska – PhD, Director of the Museum of Children’s Books (a special department of the Warsaw Public Library – Central Library of Mazovia Province). Her research interests include children’s and young adult literature, memoir literature, and cultural animal studies. Contact: ewelina.rabkowska@365.koszykowa.pl.
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