The Significance of Childhood in Shaping the Identity of an Émigré Writer – Based on the Works and Experiences of Jerzy Pietrkiewicz


The outbreak of World War II and the resulting wave of migration dramatically changed the fate of the Polish nation. Many young people found refuge outside their homeland. Such an abrupt change, however, often resulted in the disintegration of identities, not only in the personal and social, but also in the artistic sense, as in the case of writers and poets dimension. The search for identity is therefore an important element of analysis in relation to writers in exile. One of the young poets who left Poland was Jerzy Pietrkiewicz, whose works and experiences are the subject of this paper. In his first English novel, The Knotted Cord (1953), the author described a small village of Fabianki, where he was born, as well as various stages of his early life, from happy boyhood to the death of his mother, which was a traumatic experience for him. For the writer, the need to return to the roots as a natural phase of every immigrant. According to Pietrkiewicz, many artists reached for the theme of childhood at the time of the identity crisis caused by exile. The author of the article analyses the influence of memories of the idyllic world of the earliest period of life on the formation of individual self-awareness of an émigré writer.

Received: 15.07.2022
Accepted: 16.09.2022


childhood; Jerzy Pietrkiewicz; Polish émigré writers; The Knotted Cord; identity

Supporting Agencies

The publication was written as a result of the author's internship in the English Studies Department of the University of Cyprus in Nicosia, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund (Operational Program Knowledge Education Development), carried out in the project Development Program at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (POWR.03.05. 00-00-Z310/17).

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Published : 2022-12-07

Cieplińska, K. (2022). The Significance of Childhood in Shaping the Identity of an Émigré Writer – Based on the Works and Experiences of Jerzy Pietrkiewicz. Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 42, 86-97.

Katarzyna Cieplińska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn  Poland

Katarzyna Cieplińska – PhD, works at the Chair of Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Her research interests include British literature and culture, the reception of Polish literature in the world, the work of Polish émigré writers, and specialised and literary translation. Contact:

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